Title: Of Infrastructure Diplomacy and Development

Author: Nirjan Rai, Saumitra Neupane, Anurag Acharya, Shreeya Rana, and Shuvangi Poudyal

Year of Publication: 2024

This report examines Nepal’s engagement with its major bilateral donors (India, China, and Japan) for infrastructure development. Positioned between discussions on China’s ascendancy and its soft power strategies, the report offers a recipient country perspective. Nepal has relied on bilateral and multilateral assistance to address its infrastructure needs, considering its strategic location between India and China. The report analyzes each donor’s infrastructure aid, highlighting project specifics, financing, conditionalities, and implementation procedures. It provides observations tailored to each donor-country relationship and the Nepali perception of their aid, along with cross-cutting observations on aid and diplomacy characteristics. The report concludes with reflections on Nepal’s policy discourse and recommendations for both donors and the Nepali government to maximize infrastructure diplomacy and development objectives.