Title: Water Resource Development Strategy for the Kamala river Basin, Nepal

Authors:  Auro C. Almeida, Tira Foran, Keshab Adhikari, Richard Hopkins, Emily Barbour, Yingying Yu, Saumitra  Neupane, Ram Bastakoti, Suman Sharma, David Penton, Susan Cuddy, Ram Devi T. Shah, Rajit Ojha, Neha Basnet,  Tanya Doody, Tejendra GC, Som Nath Poudel, Shahriar Wahid. 

Year of Publication: 2021

This document provides a framework and practical example for developing a basin-scale water resources development strategy, using the case of the Kamala River Basin in Nepal. The strategy, developed through a collaborative process between the governments of Nepal and Australia over 5 years, aims to enable the sustainable management of water resources to improve the wellbeing of the basin’s population and environment. Reflecting Nepal’s new constitutional focus on basin-level water planning, the document outlines the process undertaken to create the Kamala River Basin WRD strategy, offering a template that can be applied to develop similar strategies in other river basins across Nepal.